Friday, August 20, 2010

My goodbye to Las Vegas Taekwon-Do Club

Wednesday was my last class at the Las Vegas Taekwon-Do Club. I am sad to leave my beloved Taekwon-Do classes in Nevada, and our great instructor and his kind wife, but I will continue to practice Taekwon-Do- at home and at a new do-jang near the location I moved to.

This Wednesday, LVTKD Mt. Charleston Taekwon-Do was moved to the outside of the Lundy Elementary School, at Mt. Charleston. It isn't inside of the building yet, but there is still hope of achieving this goal! For the final time coming from me, please tell anyone you know about Taekwon-Do and spread the joy of being a part of this fantastic martial art, and keep Taekwon-Do at Mt. Charleston going.

This is my last post here concerning things about the LVTKD do-jangs. I will post every so often about tournaments coming to locations in Las Vegas, and I will continue to keep the polls going, but that will be all. So for my last post as an LVTKD student, I want to thank all of the people who I've trained with over the years.

Thank you to the Whitney Ranch Rec Center students whom I trained with for nearly three years. With you, I set off on my Taekwon-Do journey.

Thank you to the students at the Heinrich YMCA, whom I trained with for only a few months and saw at End of the Month Tournaments and Red and Black Belt classes. You helped me get my black belt and become a good competitor.

Thank you to the Mt. Charleston Taekwon-Doins, that I trained with for over a year and that helped me become a better teacher.

Thank you to all of the students that were my sparring partners, especially the very brave ones, that helped me to become better at sparring.

Thank you to every person who helped me with my patterns, and everyone who allowed me to help them with theirs.

Thank you to every student that ever did step-sparring and ho sin sul with me. Sorry for having to throw you around.

Thank you to my fellow End of The Month Tournament-goers, who assisted me in becoming a better competitor.

And most of all, thank you to Master Bosse, without him, my Taekwon-Do journey would have never began.

For the last time,

Monday, August 16, 2010

2nd dans and farewells

Above: Me testing for my 2nd dan

Today, I am proud to say that I tested and was awarded my 2nd dan (degree) black belt by Master Bosse! It was a fun test, though my patterns were not as good as they normally are.

But I am sad to say that today we had to say farewell to the Mt. Charleston Do-Jang garage. Today was the last class there- now LVTKD Mt. Charleston Classes (the ones at Mt. Charleston ONLY) will be taking place at the Mt. Charleston Elementary School. Temporarily they will be outside, but hopefully classes will soon be allowed inside the building. Being at the school is a good thing, but it was sad when Master Bosse, my dad, and I took up our padded floor, flags, pictures and kicking walls, and left our old do-jang as we had left it: a plain, concrete-floored garage.

Make sure that you now go to classes at the school- and if you don't know where it is, just call (702)-456-4505 to reach Master Bosse.

Just because it is at a school does not mean that Taekwon-Do is only for children- it is supposed to double as a sort of rec center, meaning that anyone of any age can take Taekwon-Do classes there. Like I have said before, tell you friends to join Taekwon-Do, especially the ones that can go to Mt. Charleston, as Master Bosse needs to have a good amount of people there to keep the class going!

LVTKD National Champions

Hello, Las Vegas TKD Club Blog readers!
We've been to the Nationals- and we each got a gold medal for patterns and a silver for sparring! GO LVTKD CLUB! It was a great event- not only did I have fun comepeting, but I was very interested and entertained by watching others compete! One of the most amazing things I saw was a man named Mr. Tidus, smaller than I am, who jumped about nine feet in the air to kick a board! There were about a hundred people there- small for a National Championship but it was amazing to me- the most Taekwon-Doins I have seen in one place was about half that amount!

Thank you very much to Mr. Morris, 5th dan black belt, an ITF-USA vice president, and LVTKD blog reader, who did a big part in organising the entire event. Also many thanks to ALL OF the others who helped out- whether they were a referee, judge, or someone who cleaned up trash- everyone was very busy and was very helpful!

I am sad to say that Richard could not make it to the tournament, but the small amount of students that did go along with Master Bosse did fantastic- which were my dad, my brother, and I. I learned a lot!

Friday, August 6, 2010

The last Friday class at Mt. Charleston

Today was the last Friday class at Mt. Charleston. After that, the classes will cease to exist. Because we are moving, I can't teach Friday classes anymore. I'm sad that this was the last one, but the classes I have taught were pretty fun times!

Also, make sure that you tell people about Taekwon-Do and get more students at the Mt. Charleston class. We need to have at least 10 people in the class- so tell people you know! Also, we need to get Taekwon-Do at the school up here. There are people working on it now, but there is a chance Taekwon-Do at Mt. Charleston might not have a do-jang area, room, or backyard to practice in at all if we don't get the school! Taekwon-Do would be such a great addition at the school up here, so I really hope everything works out. The school was supposed to be a sort of rec center, too, so anyone who wants to can take Taekwon-Do up at the beautiful Mt. Charleston.

Today is exactly one week until the US Nationals in San Jose! I'm really excited and a little worried, but I will just go, have fun, do my best, and see what happens!

October- How Many TKD Events Have You Been To? (tournament, demos, ect.)

About Polls

You can vote on these LVTKD polls whenever you want. I believe you can whether you have a Google account or not, but if I am wrong, please comment on any post. They are just for fun! After the polls end, the results will be written below for anyone to view!

Poll Results:

September- How did you discover your TKD classes?
An add somewhere- 1
A website or blog-0
A Taekwon-Do demo-0
A friend or someone you know-3
I saw or went to the do-jang-0

August- Which of the below do you like the best?

Patterns- 1


Board Breaking- 0

Pre-Arranged Free Sparring, Ho Sin Sul, ect- 1

All of them! -2

None of them- 0

I don't take Taekwon-Do- 0

July- How Often Do You Practice TKD at Home?

Every day! -7

Mostly every day -1

A few times a week -0

Every few weeks -0

Monthly- 0

Only before a test- 0

Never- 0

June- Why Did You Join Taekwon-Do in the First Place?

For the exercise- 0

For the self-defence- 0

To learn to fight -0

Because martial arts sounded cool- 1

Because someone I know joined- 4


I don't take Taekwon-Do- 0

May- What would you give up for Taekwon-Do?

Your cell phone- 1

Your video games - 1

Your books- 1

Your jewlery- 3

Your TV/movies- 1

Your voice- 1

Your hair-1

Are you crazy? None of the above!- 0

I don't take Taekwon-Do- 0

April- Where is your favorite place to practice Taekwon-Do? At the do-jang (TKD training hall)- 2

Outside/in nature-2

At my house-0

In the store-0

Anytime, almost anywhere-1

In nice empty rooms-0

I don't like practicing-0

I don't take Taekwon-Do-0

March- What's Your Favorite Color Belt Pattern?

Chon-Ji- 2

Dan-Gun- 0

Do-San- 2

Won-Hyo- 1

Yul-Guk- 3



Hwa-Rang- 1


All of them!- 2

I don't take Taekwon-Do- 0

I don't take this style-0

Febuary-What Do You Like Best About This Blog?

The posts with stories, words, ect-0

The videos-0

The pictures-0

The TKD information-0


Everything! 2

I don't like this blog- 1 (why?!)

January- Do You Take Taekwon-Do?


No, but I am interested- 1

Yes, but not this style- 0

No, and I don't want to- 0

I used to- 0