Master Bosse and the other high-ranking officals at the nationals
Students lined up at the opening ceremonies (Patricia, LVTKD student, on the far right)
Students lined up at the opening ceremonies
LVTKD gold and silver medalist performing Ge-Baek
Master Bosse as a center referee
Gino DeArmas (red fighter) gold and silver medalist sparring
Patricia DeArmas sparring (on the right)
Gino DeArmas (on the left) sparring
Gino DeArmas (on the right) sparring
At on the front page, you can find pictures of the LVTKD students along with Master Bosse at the ITF-USA National Championships that were in San Jose, California in August! There is even a special thanks to Master Bosse written above the link that allows you to view the pictures. There are more than I added to this post!
Also, former LVTKD student Patricia DeArmas has an article published in Totally Tae Kwon Do magazine in the October issue. It is viewable in the October issue, titled "What The Mind Believes the Body Achieves."